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00:00:00 / 01:48:00

1912, Voces para un silencio 2010 Gratis onbeperkte toegang

1912, Voces para un silencio 2010 Gratis onbeperkte toegang

Afro-Cubans played a leading role in the fight to free Cuba from Spanish domination; as part of that struggle, slavery was abolished. Nevertheless, as African descendants began to achieve a semblance of social and economic parity, the plantocracy, backed up by the US army, sought to undo their gains. Determined to resist, veterans of the Mambi army formed the Party of Independents of Color, gaining wide popular support and ultimately threatening the domination of the white Cuban rulers. Their response was savage, and 6,000 Afro-Cubans were massacred; until this film, these events have been shrouded in silence.





Looptyd: 108 minute

Gehalte: HD

Vrylating: Aug 11, 2010


Taal: Español

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