A woman's carefully constructed life is upended when an unwelcome shadow from her past returns, forcing her to confront the monster she's evaded for...
Southern matriarch Madea has a lot on her plate. Her nieces, Vanessa and Lisa, have relationship troubles - Vanessa moves into Madea's house with her...
Influencer Allyson, bride-to-be Roni, and newly single Patricia are from different worlds, unaware that trusting the wrong man will force them into a...
A young heroin addict roams the streets of New York to panhandle and get her next fix, while her unstable boyfriend drifts in and out of her life at...
Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationship, all she wants is a chance to begin again. But it...
Kin is the President of KTK Corporation and is marrying his long time girlfriend of 7 years Ganok. On their wedding night, the bride goes to retrieve...