The story of an old Jewish widow named Daisy Werthan and her relationship with her black chauffeur, Hoke. From an initial mere work relationship grew...
C.R. MacNamara is a managing director for Coca Cola in West Berlin during the Cold War, just before the Wall is put up. When Scarlett, the rebellious...
A gunslinger, a vengeful ex-slave, and a runaway board a midnight train to Atlanta. They discover that the train is haunted by a sinister force, and...
Co-workers question their marriages for a variety of issues, including anger management, child-like spouses and manipulative stepchildren. Will their...
Dave is a professional internet troll who lies for a living. Candace works in human resources at a blood lab with a bipolar boss. In this modern spin...
Julia Sugarbaker, Mary Jo Shively, Charlene Frazier-Stillfield and Suzanne Sugarbaker are associates at their design firm, Sugarbaker and Associates....
Rachel Burke is a criminal profiler, one of the best, actually.
She, along with a sophisticated team of specialists on the FBI's Violent Crimes Task...
Six professional Black women in business, including top-producing brokers, high-profile attorneys and luxury agents, manage their ever-changing work...