After her son Kevin commits a horrific act, troubled mother Eva reflects on her complicated relationship with her disturbed son as he grew from a...
In the wake of a school tragedy, Vada, Mia and Quinton form a unique and dynamic bond as they navigate the never linear, often confusing journey to...
It is the dawn of World War III. In mid-western America, a group of teenagers band together to defend their town—and their country—from...
A woman desperately races to save her child after police place her hometown on lockdown due to an active shooter incident.
A mysterious door in the basement of the Hercules house leads to the Sixth Dimension by way of a gigantic set of intestine. When Frenchy slips...
A 17-year-old girl uses her wits, survival skills, and compassion to fight for her life, and those of her fellow classmates, against a group of...
Several ordinary high school students go through their daily routine as two others prepare for something more malevolent.
Military cadets take extreme measures to ensure the future of their academy when its existence is threatened by local condo developers.
On May 9, 1986, a small ranching community in Wyoming experiences a divine intervention when a couple detonates a bomb inside a crowded classroom.
African-American student Malik is on a track scholarship; academics are not his strong suit, and he goes in thinking that his athletic abilities will...
In 1999, teenage sisters Celeste and Eleanor survive a seismic, violent tragedy. The sisters compose and perform a song about their experience,...
Michael Moore's provocative documentary explores the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How did we get here, and how do we get out.
Mitsuko, a young student, encounters a series of horrifying incident set in alternate realities where people wind up dead in the most horrendous...
Two couples meet for a painful and raw conversation in the aftermath of a violent tragedy.
In an English boys' boarding school, social hierarchy reigns supreme and power remains in the hands of distanced and ineffectual teachers and...
Seiji Hasumi is a popular English teacher in a private high school. He is also a violent and sociopathic killer, who slowly takes control of the...
Bête noire the collateral effects of an unforgivable act commited by Jérémy, a 16 year-old teenager. With the help of the...
After a tragedy at a school sends shock waves through a wealthy Stockholm suburb, a seemingly well-adjusted teen finds herself on trial for murder.
ነፃ ያልተገደበ መዳረሻ, ማንኛውንም ነገር ይፈልጉ ምንም ማስታወቂያዎች የሉም, በሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠሩ ርዕሶች እና በየቀኑ ተጨምረዋል, ሁሉም የመሣሪያ ስርዓቶች እና ሙሉ ለሙሉ የተመቻቹ, በየትኛውም ቦታ እና በማንኛውም ጊዜ