When paranormal investigator Heather West receives a call from a terrified woman who claims her house is inhabited by a ghost, she discovers the...
Two bounty hunters searching for a wanted man find themselves in the newly built town of Amityville, where nothing is what it seems and evil lurks...
1 original film, 8 sequels, 1 remake and almost 100 scams exploring a house, of course we wouldn't be left out. A house, an event explored to...
In the wake of a devastating storm that destroys the infamous DeFeo house, a paranormal entity merges with a malevolent tornado, unleashing an...
The Amityville movies just won't die. Which is why we're giving you 20 more in this feature-length anthology, Amityville Apocalypse.
دخول مجاني غير محدود, البحث عن أي شيء لا إعلانات, الملايين من العناوين وتضاف كل يوم, جميع المنصات ومحسن بالكامل, في أي مكان وزمان