Old-school magic meets the modern world when young Alex stumbles upon the mythical sword Excalibur. He soon unites his friends and enemies, and they...
Ten fishermen from Cornwall are signed by Universal Records and achieve a top ten hit with their debut album of Sea Shanties. Based on the true-life...
A brother and sister move into an old seaside house that has been abandoned for many years on the Cornwellian coast only to soon discover that it is...
Andrea, a gifted young Polish violinist from Krakow, is bound for America when he is swept overboard by a storm. When the Widdington sisters discover...
The terrible and trecherous Pendragon plans to gain the throne of Cornwall by getting the king to abdicate and to marry his lovely daughter. To help...
In spite of being apprenticed to a Pirate King as a child, Frederic has led a very sheltered life. So when he arrives in Cornwall with his boisterous...
Harry and Valerie Spalding arrive in the remote Cornish village to an unwelcoming and suspicious population. Harry's brother dies suddenly, bitten by...
The story follows fisherman Ed Collier, who is highly protective over his family, which includes wife Claire and daughter Abbie. However, when a rich...
Set against a sweeping Cornish landscape, two couples discover that their toddlers were switched at birth in a hospital mix-up, and face a horrifying...
Echo Beach is a British teen drama series that aired on ITV in 2008. Set in the fictional Cornish coastal town of Polnarren, it ran for twelve weekly...