Explores the little-known history and humanity of the unsung Filipino nurses risking their lives on the front lines of a pandemic, thousands of miles...
Two high school boys from different social worlds experience romantic feelings for each other. Edmar, a high-performing Filipino student, and Pili, a...
Kapwa, a Filipino term that means "togetherness" or "neighbor", is a recognition of a shared identity; an inner self that is shared with others. WHO...
After learning to 'write what you know,' in film school, Half-Filipino and Half-White aspiring filmmaker Andrew Orticio travels back to his father's...
This documentary paints the life of former Philippine President Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957), from being a simple mechanic, a wartime guerilla leader,...
Filipino-born Ella works as a nanny in a prosperous Moscow family. Day by day, she carries out the same routine actions: washing, cooking, cleaning,...
An Interpol agent is out for revenge against the gangsters that cut off his arm and killed his bride. This tragedy left him deeply depressed, and his...
The diaspora of Filipinos around the globe is driven mostly by the economics of supply and demand. The yearning for something better, stability, and...
In a hidden paradise somewhere in the Philippines, two brothers share a simple but sufficient life. Things change when an unexpected visitor brings a...