Based on the true life experiences of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, the film focuses on half-brothers Paco and Cruz, and their bi-racial cousin Miklo. It...
During his 18 years in Folsom Prison, street-gang leader Santana rules over all the drug-and-murder activities behind bars. Upon his release, Santana...
Morgan Freeman explores real-life prison breaks that have captured the attention of the public, showcasing an up close and personal view of what the...
Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika and Dawid are the main suspects. Angelika contacts...
A series examining prison life that visits facilities in California, Ohio and Minnesota for reports on prison conditions, gang activity and supermax...
1911, A graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Sasha Meshcherskaya returns to a small provincial town. The well-being of her family is based on...
A prisoner appears in Akashnagar Central Jail's Cell No.145, which has been shut for 50 years, and claims immortality. Who is this mystery man, and ...