A French housekeeper with a mysterious past brings quiet revolution in the form of one exquisite meal to a circle of starkly pious villagers in late...
In the summer of 1987, a college graduate takes a 'nowhere' job at his local amusement park, only to find it's the perfect course to get him prepared...
A deaf garbage collector happens upon a broken and discarded surfboard. The discovery plants in him dreams of becoming a surf champion. Encouraged by...
From the director who gave us Tanging Yaman, Laurice Guillen, is back with another heart-warming family drama which teaches us about love, faith and...
After thirty years in prison, ex-con Ronnie recruits his grandson to exact revenge on Darryl, the cop who put him behind bars. Standing in their way...
Jiang Xiao Yu and Zhao Zuo Zuo do not want to break up upon graduation and choose to receive a marriage license before receiving their diploma. Zhao...
In a hospital in K City, a sudden car accident caused Gao Yuan and Huo Shang, who hadn't seen each other for eight years, to meet again. Eight years...