A young fighter named Kham must go to Australia to retrieve his stolen elephant. With the help of a Thai-born Australian detective, Kham must take on...
Adapted from the bestselling novel by Madeleine St John, Ladies in Black is an alluring and tender-hearted comedy drama about the lives of a group of...
A mostly true account of future Hollywood star Errol Flynn's sea adventures in the early thirties, sailing from Australia to Papua in search of gold,...
A group of lifelong friends reunite to celebrate a special birthday, with Sydney's iconic Palm Beach providing a stunning backdrop for the unfolding...
An eccentric marketing guru visits a Coca-Cola subsidiary in Australia to try and increase market penetration. He finds zero penetration in a valley...
Newlyweds Sridevi and Yash's marriage faces an early test when Yash's medical traineeship takes him to Australia for four years, forcing them into a...
Cops L.A.C. is a 2010 Australian television police drama, which screened on the Nine Network. The series followed the work of officers at the Seaview...
Filmed over 5 years, this series will trace the enormous engineering challenges faced by what is the greatest public transport project in Australia's...
Set in the 1970s and 1980s in Sydney, the miniseries concerns the relationship between controversial former Detective Roger "the Dodger" Rogerson and...