After a fishing boat is attacked, the sole surviving crew member realizes it is none other than a resurrected Godzilla. However, efforts to bring the...
Reporter Goro Maki stumbles upon scientists conducting weather experiments on Sollgel Island in the South Seas. He discovers the island is inhabited...
Two fishing scout pilots make a horrifying discovery when they encounter a second Godzilla alongside a new monster named Anguirus. Without the weapon...
A submarine expedition to salvage the remains of Mechagodzilla is thwarted by a massive dinosaur named Titanosaurus. An Interpol investigation leads...
The Makai fight a secret war against the demon forces known as Horrors, evil creatures that manifest themselves through darkness to devour Humanity....
When the Cosmic Invading Grand Racing Crew, Hashiriyan intends to expand their territory with Earth being their next target to take over, five genius...
65 million years ago, the knights of the Ryusoul Tribe were selected to participate in a war campaign against the dictating Druidon Tribe who sought...
Granutes are intelligent lifeforms that operate secretly in the human world. They kidnap people for the sake of "Black Market Sweets." As people are...
Welcome to Megalopolis! Once a peaceful Earth city, it's now a haven for criminals aided by the nefarious Alienizer arms dealer, Agent Abrella. Now,...
Grandiene has been waiting for the day of resurrection, the day when the planets are in the alignment of the Grand Cross. Her children descend to the...