A squadron of Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers find themselves transported through time to their country's warring states era, when rival samurai...
During the Warring States Period, Nung-yuk, the Princess of Qin, denounces the mundane world and dreams of marrying an immortal. This extends to her...
Sasuke Furuta is a vassal of the great warlord Nobunaga Oda and a man obsessed with tea ceremony and material desires in his pursuit of a fortuitous...
The story of Mi Yue (Queen Dowager Xuan), the first stateswoman in the history of China. Mi Yue was a young princess who lived in the Kingdom of Chu...
July 1590, Odawara. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's army had surrounded the Odawara Castle for over 3 months, hoping to conquer this last obstacle to his dream...
A Step into the Past is a 2001 Hong Kong television series produced by TVB and based on Huang Yi's novel of the same Chinese title. The series tells...