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00:00:00 / 01:24:00

大巨獣ガッパ 1967 دخول مجاني غير محدود

大巨獣ガッパ 1967 دخول مجاني غير محدود

An expedition in the South Pacific lands on a tropical island where the natives worship the mysterious deity Gappa. An earthquake opens up an underground cavern and a baby reptile is discovered inside. The natives warn the foreigners to leave the hatching alone, but they don't listen and take it back to a zoo in Japan. Soon after, moma and papa Gappa start smashing Tokyo looking for their kidnapped child.

مدة العرض: 84 الدقائق

جودة: HD

إطلاق سراح: Apr 22, 1967

بلد: Japan, United States of America

لغة: English, 日本語

دفق آلاف الأفلام والبرامج التلفزيونية مجانًا.