The eccentric and childish Pee-wee Herman embarks on a big adventure when his beloved bicycle is stolen. Armed with information from a fortune-teller...
In order to prove his greatness to his unimpressed girlfriend, Mexican general Max takes a group of men across the border and recaptures the Alamo -...
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't...
During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others' families) but is too late to accomplish...
Kris Kristofferson and Scott Bairstow are hunted fugitives from a Louisiana prison camp who come Two for Texas when they opt to lose themselves in a...
Sam Elliot stars as Sam Houston, the visionary who nearly single-handedly forged the state of Texas into a powerful entity in its own right. Refusing...
In the early 1830s Texas was about to explode. Although ruled by Mexico, the region was home to more than 20,000 U.S. settlers agitated by what they...
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