Aspiring to be admitted to a good university and to become a lawyer, Tasiro Yuusuke, a tenth-grader from Kyushu, enrolls in a prestigious high school...
Teenager Kazuki Miyaichi has always felt unloved by her mother due the circumstances surrounding her birth. Because she harbors anxiety and perceives...
Gu Yi is a stand-up comedian in Shanghai who juggles a day job and nighttime performances. Her simple goal is to make everyone laugh, but one day she...
Bit-part actress, Wen Xiao Nuan, is hired to play An Ning Wen Hua's CEO, Ye Fei Mo's, secret admirer in order to earn funds to support the Huang Mei...
Xu Yi Ren loses both her relationship and career in one night. Her close friend, Xia Di recommends her to an architecture company as the assistant of...
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