An elite group of American operatives, aided by a top-secret tactical command team, must transport an asset who holds life-threatening information to...
In 1967, four undercover CIA agents were sent to NASA posing as a documentary film crew. What they discovered led to one of the biggest conspiracies...
Varda focuses her eye on gleaners: those who scour already-reaped fields for the odd potato or turnip. Her investigation leads from forgotten corners...
When aspiring horror filmmakers post an online casting call looking for "real life" monsters to interview for their upcoming documentary called, The...
In a decript apartment, a young man watches as his father and a friend shoot an amateur porn film. Issues of morality, reality TV and friendship are...
Harry Penderecki, a once heralded horror auteur, finds himself on the outside looking in at Hollywood. He hasn't had a hit film in years, and most in...
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