Betrayed and on the run, a former North Korean agent tries to seek revenge on the man who killed his wife, find his missing daughter, and uncover the...
Ji-woo, an outcast at a prestigious private school, meets Hak-sung, the school janitor who is actually a mathematical genius who defected from North...
Looking for a new interesting story, VJ reporter Guk-hyun is fascinated with a story of a former detective Gi-man, living a life with a blade in his...
An anti-western propaganda film about the influences of American visual and consumption culture on the rest of the world, as told from a North Korean...
Jun, a young man of North Korean origin who had illegally emigrated to South Korea, works in a gas station. After protecting a colleague, Sun-hee, a...
As a child, Park Hoon and his dad were kidnapped and taken to North Korea. He grew up there, learning to be a doctor just like his father. When Park...
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