The story of acerbic 1960s comic Lenny Bruce, whose groundbreaking, no-holds-barred style and social commentary was often deemed by the establishment...
Lilah Krytsick is a mother and housewife who's always believed she could be a stand-up comedian. Steven Gold is an experienced stand-up seemingly on...
Barcelona, Spain, in the late sixties. Eugenio, a young jeweler who has fallen in love with Conchita, a singer, to the point of learning to play the...
Set in New York, and based on the life and stand-up comedy of John Mulaney, this multi-camera laffer follows an aspiring comedian coming of age under...
Gu Yi is a stand-up comedian in Shanghai who juggles a day job and nighttime performances. Her simple goal is to make everyone laugh, but one day she...
Celebrities and comics join hosts comedian/writers Dan Levy and Natasha Leggero to watch and offer hilarious commentary on favorite past episodes of...
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