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Qeydiyyatdan keçmək üçün 1 dəqiqədən az vaxt tələb olunur, sonra Limitsiz Filmlər və TV başlıqlarından istifadə edə bilərsiniz.

00:00:00 / 01:30:00

Old Surehand 1965 Pulsuz Limitsiz Giriş

Old Surehand 1965 Pulsuz Limitsiz Giriş

Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname 'The General'. The brother of Old Surehand was murdered by him. On the way Old Surehand and Old Wabble are involved in the running conflict between settlers and Comanches who are likely to go on the war path. Old Surehand can count on the support of his friend and blood brother Winnetou, the amiable chief of the Apaches. Written by Robert

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