The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of...
RECONCILIATION is a groundbreaking, provocative story about an estranged father and son struggling to overcome the heartbreaking consequences of...
"Grace" is a story about the fragments of life of one family, their habits and their decisions. The daughter is forced to sacrifice herself to take...
The story takes place at the time of the defeat of the Hungarian War of Independence, when Csákberény came under the terror of the...
Sergio believes that outer beauty is everything. On his girlfriend's grandmother's party day, he pays too much attention to his appearance, which...
Act of resembling, act of expression and the presentation of the self.
Lawrence Gilliard, Jr. once again stars as John Turnipseed in the 3rd and final film of the Turnipseed trilogy. Torn from an idyllic life with a...
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