In the town of Saima, when summer is about to begin, a group of six high school students intend to live a secret adventure by spending seven carefree...
Hatori Matsuzaki is a female high school student. She has a crush on her childhood friend Rita Terasaka and believes he will eventually choose her as...
Raku Ichijo (Kento Nakajima) is an only son and a high school student. His father is the leader of yakuza group Shuei-gumi. Raku Ichijo doesn't like...
The Sakuragoaka Girls' Academy curriculum traditionally focuses on the three "R"s of reading, writing and arithmetic, but Ritsu Tainaka wants to add...
Ousai Academy is a former all-girls private high school which has recently been integrated for both genders. Takatoshi Tsuda is pushed into becoming...
A secret life is the one thing they have in common. At school, Hori is a prim and perfect social butterfly, but the truth is she's a brash homebody....
Hoshitani Yuta enters Ayanagi Academy, a school focusing on show business activities, specifically music. The academy has a group of the grade three...
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