After discovering the face of their true enemy, someone who is related to Akito and responsible for the Geass placed upon him, W-0 attempts to return...
Japan has been invaded and conquered by the Britannian Empire. Japan is now known as Area 11 and its citizens known as Elevens. The Britannian Empire...
Set in the future, a giant fighting machine called the Aquarion is humanity's only effective weapon in the fight against the technologically advanced...
Welcome to Megalopolis! Once a peaceful Earth city, it's now a haven for criminals aided by the nefarious Alienizer arms dealer, Agent Abrella. Now,...
In the distant future, mankind has lived quietly and restlessly underground for hundreds of years, subject to earthquakes and cave-ins. Living in one...
Безплатен неограничен достъп, Търсете каквото и да е. Без реклами, Милиони заглавия и се добавят всеки ден, Всички платформи и напълно оптимизирани, Навсякъде и по всяко време