An eccentric bounty hunter named Providence captures and sets free a criminal in order to collect the same bounty over and over again in different...
Comtat de Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, 1876. Una societat secreta de miners irlandesos dedicats a extreure carbó, units per un jurament sagrat,...
El capità Harold s'incorpora al tercer regiment de Cavalleria, a Fort Doniphan. El general McCabe, comandant del fort, pretén aniquilar...
Old Surehand and his faithful old friend Old Wabble are on the trail of a cold-blooded killer with the nickname 'The General'. The brother of Old...
While Joel and his older ship's captain brother Mark are at sea, the latter is abandoned in Singapore by devious ship's mate Finch who, upon their...
A lifelong yellow-belly who made a deathbed promise to his father to be a pacifist seeks bloody revenge on the men who gang-raped his wife.
Un pistoler cansat de la seva vida vol girar full i oblidar el seu tempestuós passat ofegant-lo en alcohol. Però un bon dia es veu...
An ex-con's future is threatened by his brother's involvement with drugs.
A bounty hunter wants to catch the Bandit Carson because he has a lot of people in his gang who are worth a lot of money. When he comes into White...
A young man grows restless living in a small Kansas town, dreaming of the adventures of the Three Musketeers. So in hopes of becoming a modern...
El fill d'un ramader es troba ajudant a un altre ramader que està en desacord amb el seu pare, tot a causa de la parella del pare.
A man, after being accused of a robbery and escaping from jail with a bandit leader, seeks revenge for his brother and his family.
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