This documentary follows a team of local archaeologists excavating never before explored passageways, shafts, and tombs, piecing together the secrets...
For centuries, the Great Pyramids have fascinated Mankind. Patrice Pooyard's The Revelation Of The Pyramids reveals what lies behind the greatest of...
This special takes a 21st century approach to ancient history, bringing together the latest scientific evidence to build the ultimate picture of King...
It is one of Egypt's enduring mysteries. What happened to Nefertiti and her husband, Akhenaten - the radical king, and likely father of King Tut? In...
Renowned Egyptologist Dr. Sherif Hawass must save the world and the woman he loves after he unknowingly releases an ancient evil found in one of his...
This three-part special tells the story of the Egyptian empire from its beginning in 1560 B.C. to its collapse in 1080 B.C. Interviews with scholars...
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