The extraordinary life story of science fiction and fantasy writer Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018) who, in spite of remaining for many years on the...
Rosario Castellanos is an introverted university student who doesn't seem to belong to her time. In the early 1950s in Mexico City, she is fighting...
A woman becomes increasingly isolated and starts to unravel as a result.
A dark and disturbing adaptation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s controversial gothic feminist horror story about patriarchy and hysteria. Jane,...
An adaptation of a classic story, Her Trifles expores the mistery of a sudden death, the bond among women and the efficiency of a limited view.
A convicted felon builds a feminist movement from behind bars at an all-male prison in Soledad, California.
Jill Godmilow (Far From Poland, Waiting for the Moon) in collaboration with Joanna Krakowska and Magda Mosiewicz pay homage to the original SCUM...
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