In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he...
Created for the "Esso World Theater" series of films in 1964, it features excerpts from "Bugaku," "Gagaku," "Noh, " and "Kabuki" scenes performed by...
In the world of Kabuki, where family social standings are highly valued, Kyonosuke Kawamura is inept even though he is born as the son of a duke of a...
Chushingura Rhapsody No. 5: Nakamura Nakazo - Shusse no KizahashiHD
IMDb: 0
The orphan Nakazo becomes a pupil of kabuki actor Denkuro and attracts the attention of the great star Koshiro. However, in order to help his ailing...
Kabuki is a world-class theater with a history of over 400 years, but is also exciting entertainment. What is the secret of its enduring attraction?...
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