As the Russian invasion begins, a team of Ukrainian journalists trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol struggle to continue their work documenting...
Dobrinya Nikitich goes on a quest to save the royal niece and finds out whether his old friend Zmey Gorinich is loyal to him. During the adventures,...
A nurse from Ukraine searches for a better life in the West, while an unemployed security guard from Austria heads East for the same reason. Both are...
A documentary on the unrest in Ukraine during 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution...
A family with five children flees the war raging in their home village on the Russian border. They end up in Mshanets, a farming village on the other...
Mysterious murders has been committed in four post-communist cities: Warsaw, Prague, Odesa, and Leipzig. The investigations are carried out by three...
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