The Japanese government sets up a special task force to fight the giant creatures suddenly appearing across the country. Soon, the squad unexpectedly...
Ultraman and his comrades from M-78 (including a new Ultraman, Zero, the son of Ultra Seven) join forces with other allies to fight a massive army of...
First Lieutenant Shun'ichi Maki of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force is a prestigious F-15 Eagle jet pilot (or "driver" as he is called in the film)....
Ultraman Saga opens with a powerful apocalyptic vision of Tokyo, buildings destroyed and the city seemingly devoid of life. We are soon introduced to...
A young boy discovers a magical rock that can make any wish come true. But the rock is stolen by a school bully who uses it to create a powerful and...
After the battle against Zogu was over, both Gamu and Fujimiya began to live normal lives until another threat arrives on Earth - a surviving monster...
As humanity begins migrating beyond Earth, a new Ultraman named Dyna arrives and bonds with defense organization GUTS' newest recruit, Shin Asuka, to...
The newest Ultra Hero is Ultraman Zett, the disciple of Ultraman Zero, who is now celebrating his tenth anniversary! An admirer of Zero, Zett worked...
Ultraman Max was an Ultraman TV series which started airing on 7 July 2005, and produced by Tsuburaya Productions and Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting Co.,...
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