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00:00:00 / 01:37:00

鴨王 2015 Accés il·limitat gratuït

鴨王 2015 Accés il·limitat gratuït

Fung looks like a super-heartthrob and was bon with a special endowment, making him the high school idol. He was expelled from school when he was caught fighting on campus. When his mom, the sole provider of his family with her poultry business, had to stop working due to her back problems, Fung decides to support his family financially. And from that moment, his life takes on a tumultuous change…

Temps d'execució: 97 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Alliberament: Jan 29, 2015

País: Hong Kong

Llenguatge: 广州话 / 廣州話

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