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00:00:00 / 01:42:00

野球部員、演劇の舞台に立つ! 2018 Accés il·limitat gratuït

野球部員、演劇の舞台に立つ! 2018 Accés il·limitat gratuït

At the baseball club of Yame Kita High School in the southern part of Fukuoka Prefecture, fierce competition for positions was always fought. In the qualifying that led to the spring selection tournament (Koshien), the team was beginning to get jerky due to the unexpected defeat. At that time, the main players such as Ace are ordered by the director to go to the drama club. Repulsive players. However, there is a memory of the sad scars of the unexpected seniors.

Temps d'execució: 102 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Alliberament: Feb 24, 2018

País: Japan

Llenguatge: 日本語

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