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00:00:00 / 01:41:00

女鬼橋2:怨鬼樓 2023 Accés il·limitat gratuït

女鬼橋2:怨鬼樓 2023 Accés il·limitat gratuït

According to legend, Yangminshan’s Chinese Culture University sits where the realms of the living and dead collide. The architecture was originally given an auspicious “bagua” design to ward off evil, but was instead maliciously changed into an “inverse bagua”. Countless apparition sightings and paranormal incidents have plagued the university ever since. Three years ago, a student developing an augmented reality horror game at the university fell into a coma following a mysterious elevator accident. To complete the game, his younger sister begins testing the various urban legend-inspired AR challenges with the help of her friends, leading them down a path of increasingly bizarre and terrifying encounters…

Temps d'execució: 101 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Alliberament: Oct 13, 2023

País: Taiwan

Llenguatge: 普通话

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