On a remote Caribbean island, Army Ranger Joe Armstrong saves an old friend from the clutches of "The Lion", an evil super-criminal who has kidnapped...
This satirical parody of William S. Hart's melodramatic films finds Buster in the frozen north, "last stop on the subway." He uses a wanted poster as...
Laurel & Hardy - Die komische Liebesgeschichte von Dick und DoofHD
IMDb: 7.9
The lives of Stan Laurel (1890-1965) and Oliver Hardy (1892-1957), on the screen and behind the curtain. The joy and the sadness, the success and the...
A comedy writer's need for approval leads him to a wonder elixir that bends his world into a surreal landscape of comedy tropes, which forces him to...
Each week on Bam's Bad Ass Game Show, competitors vie for $10,000 by facing off against each other in incredibly demented, potentially dangerous and...
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