Set during Japan's Shogun era, this film looks at life in a samurai compound where young warriors are trained in swordfighting. A number of...
Based on the comic by Yutaka Asou
In the age of priests and warriors which the film denounces, a woman revolts after she is sold as a prostitute.
A mournful masterpiece by Kinugasa Teinosuke
A provincial bus driver plans to marry his conductress, but one night he glimpses the woman he once loved, which throws him into turmoil.
Kotobuki-za is a story of the Naniwa-bushi singer Baichuken Tsurumaru.
A samurai returns to his homeland after a three year absence and finds his fiance is now one of the prince's concubines.
A high school girl is invited to an old family's historic Hinamatsuri (Girls' Festival), but becomes entangled in an anomaly caused by the curse of...
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