Niina, a single mother working for a small-town newspaper, is drawn into an investigation into the fall of a Soviet missile that upends her life and...
A teenage orphan girl Salome lives within a sect lead by charismatic and ruthless Maria Åkerblom. During a pivotal summer, Salome is faced with...
Cosmetics saleswoman Kirsi Viilonen dreams of a career as a star artist. When Kirsi meets DJ and radio journalist Paula, she decides to give in...
A single mother struggles to connect with her adopted son, who she believes is gay. Her assumptions about her son's needs and desires lead to a...
Marjaleena, Miss Finland's 2nd princess from decades ago, runs a bar on the Spanish sunny coast with her son Vili and her retired sidekick Mikko....
Liina lives together with her mother. Her mother is often working night shifts so Liina needs to get by alone. In the same building is an apartment...
Raimo’s comfortable, middle-class bubble is burst when a Satan-worshipping sex cult moves in next door.
A couple’s dream of a perfect child spirals into a nightmare as soon as the baby is born. The mother Saga thinks there’s something...
The film is about a show dancer, Kristal, 40+ years, blond hair woman, who with a Lada car goes around small pubs and entertains people. First she...
Matara is the story of boys who role-play their own kingdoms in the summer. The senators plot in a togas made of bed sheets and take puppets as...
Karo and Risto have been nursing their strained marriage on holiday in Lapland. On their way back, they get into a car accident and are forced to...
A mother of a family abandons her terminally ill husband and finds a new family from a sex cult that is preparing to commit a mass suicide.
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