Hollywood, 1942. The US government pressures Hungarian-born film director Michael Curtiz, who is about to finish shooting Casablanca, to accentuate...
Hilda is forced to follow helplessly the tragic death of her mountaineer husband Zsolt Eröss. As the heir of the deceased Hilda tries to cope...
A young, revolutionary couple aboard the last train leaving Budapest after the Russian invasion of 1956. Based on a novel by the Austrian writer...
1918, shortly before the end of the Great War, an Austrian soldier passes the barrier of the Italian lines and escapes. He is very young, alone,...
Follows a 13-year-old girl who dreams to become a writer. While she is learning to write with the help of her neighbor, she suddenly realizes that...
Set on a lazy, lukewarm summer afternoon, the story of a young but jaded Feri and a disintegrating group of friends in a lakeside holiday village.
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