Sibiu, December 1989. In the chaos and panic generated by the protests of the crowd against the authorities, a unit of the militia becomes the target...
The story of Niculae, Moromete's youngest son, who in the 1950s becomes an acclaimed young writer who lives his life and complicated love stories in...
1972 was a turning point in Ilie Nastase's career: he won his first US Open, while also reaching both Wimbledon and Davis Cup finals. Moving back and...
A tragic comedy centered on the HR manager of Israel's largest industrial bakery, who sets out to save the reputation of his business and prevent the...
A criminal lawyer Canan, divides her time in the courthouse and mother's hospital bed at night. She has to make a moral choice that will affect lives...
Aron, a 5-year-old boy, sets together with his worried father on a journey at the end of which he wishes, like the superheroes in the comic books, to...