After the death of their father, two siblings are raised by their father's best friend. However, when one gets kidnapped just before her wedding, the...
Former teen idol Nam Hyeon-soo is now in his thirties and working as a radio DJ. One day a young woman named Jeong-nam shows up and claims to be his...
Under the oppressive Japanese colonial rule, Deok-hye, the last Princess of the declining Joseon Dynasty, is forced to move to Japan. She spends her...
Ahn Soo-ji and Lee Jae-joon, who are oblivious to each other's real profession as secret agents, are in an ill-fated relationship. Three years later,...
When a single mother learns that she has terminal cancer, she prepares her young daughter to live without her, while saying goodbye to others around...
A grisly murder occurs on the small remote island known as Paradise. After a night of gambling, two of the players are found mutilated. Deok-Su, the...
Min-joon is a believer in true love and always very dedicated to her current boyfriend. Distracted by the latest break-up, she bumps into a car and a...
Sumin is an orphan trying to balance work in a factory with study at an art college and an evening job. One night, a rich young businessman makes an...
Activist Hyun-woo is released from prison after a 17-year stint. Journeying back to the village where he spent some time as a fugitive he recalls the...
31-year-old single woman Kim Ji-su once wanted to become a famous pianist like Horowitz. Her dream was shattered but she went on by teaching children...
A writer who praises living a life of single teams up with an editor who is desperate about finding her better half. Would it be possible for the two...