A notorious gangster Vedha surrenders himself to encounter specialist Vikram whom he challenges every step of the way by narrating his life events in...
A grumpy boxing coach takes on a young, rebellious woman under his wings and starts training her for the world championship. But their biggest battle...
A mysterious illness declared as dumb flu spreads in a quaint hill station forcing the town's residents from speaking. Will the problems in the place...
In a small village where caste politics rules the roost, amid a local election with two rival political parties vying to win by any means necessary,...
After Arun and Parvathi's stormy romance ends, he goes to Puducherry where he befriends Cathy, the girlfriend of his buddy John. But their friendship...
A grumpy boxing coach takes on a young, rebellious woman under his wings and starts training her for the world championship. But their biggest battle...
The two best disciples of Sivadas Swamigal, the earnest owner of a Drama school, are by design pitted against each other by the guru himself and this...
Three people's worlds collide during a historic international cricket test match in Chennai, ultimately forcing them to make difficult life-changing...