Adapted from the video game series of the same name, NiNoKuni follows high school peers Yuu and Haru who must travel between two separate yet...
A woman hires actors and strangers to pretend to be her friends and family at her wedding.
Shun and Nagisa first meet and fall in love during their first year of high school. While Shun is graduating from university, Nagisa tells him that...
It is the early 1930s and the command of the Japanese Imperial Navy determines to construct the world's biggest and most formidable battleship,...
Yuna and Akari are two high school girls with very different views on love: Yuna dreams about romance through rose-coloured glasses, while Akari is...
An unstable young woman pines for the ex-boyfriend who nearly beat her to death – and who has mysteriously disappeared.
In this sequel, Kazuma Kujo returns as he transitions from entertainment manager to an "apprentice chef", who now works in a food truck! He helps a...
A 5th grade elementary school student meets a transfer student who has a mysterious charm about her. He then learns her big secret.
Shinichiro Kiyama is completely alone in the world. One day, he realizes he possesses "Fortuna's Eye", an ability through which people whose death is...
A recently divorced and traumatized man moves to Hakodate, Hokkaido and attends a vocational college to learn carpentry along with several other...
Junior high school student Yuna lives with her father Toshiharu. Her mother Akemi moved to Naha when her older sister entered high school, and Yuna...
Kazuma Kujo recently joined an entertainment company as a manager at the age of 50. He was assigned to idol Remi Watanabe who one day decided to...
Noriko lost her mother Yoshie when she was only 10-years-old. Yoshie knew she would not be able to live long enough to see her children grow up and...
Short film edited into "Welcome to the Occult Forest: The Movie".
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