Twelve year old Zaffan lives in a small rural community in Malaysia. In full puberty, she realizes that her body is changing at an alarming rate. Her...
A young man is working as a housekeeper in an empty mansion. When its owner returns to start his mayoral election campaign, the young man bonds with...
Zahara, a stateless refugee, lives on a small remote island in Malaysia, where she makes a living selling turtle eggs. One day, Samad, claiming to be...
The Suharto regime has been holding power in Indonesia for over 30 years, shutting down democracy time and time again. Highly critical of the regime...
The Gejog mythology has been flourished mostly among amongst the Javanese. This myth is believed as the spirit army of Nyai Roro Kidul, searching for...
Kaminah and Kusdalini, met as Indonesian political detainees in 1965, when both were on the cusp of adulthood. After being rejected by her hometown,...
Enjoying her rising popularity, a singer slowly realizes that she has been deeply trapped into a submissive political system that controls every inch...