The life and work of the hero of 1821 Papaflessas that during the liberation struggle of the Greeks against the Turks, revolutionizing the elders and...
A businnesman, Sotiris Karelis, is presented to the piano teacher and twice a widow, Antzolina, and asks her to sell her mansion in order to convert...
Poor Rena tries to find money to pay her lottery partner because she destroyed the wining lottery-ticket.She and her brothers who try to help her end...
Anna thinks up a clever plan to bring her husband Manos on track. Having discovered that he is cheating on her, after only two years of marriage, she...
Stelios Kondogiorgis (Dinos Iliopoulos) and Thomas Makrykostas (Costas Hajihristos) are two quiet men that come from the same Peloponnese village yet...