Samson, a cheeky 15-year-old boy, and Delilah, live in an isolated Aboriginal community in the Central Australian desert. The two teenagers soon...
A portrait of an albino Aboriginal teenager, her feelings of alienation while at a convent boarding school, and her dreams of escape.
Fresh out of the academy, White Cop experiences his first taste of Aboriginal community life, as Black Cop puts him to the test.
A Japanese tourist enjoying a relaxed car journey through the beauty and tranquility of the Australian desert collides with a violent moment in time....
Two brothers and their journey into a long night of desperate living in Alice Springs.
Around a campfire, on a moonlit night, two Anmatjere Elders, Patsy and Jane Briscoe, sing and re-tell an epic Dreaming story told to them by their...
In these fast and modern times, the Numurindi people are still guided by the seasons and stories of the Dreamtime. This observational documentary...
A portrait of Warlpiri Elder and Lawman, Francis Jupurrurla Kelly – a pioneer of Indigenous filmmaking in central Australia.
An Australian Aboriginal DJ realizes that his job at the country radio station is about more than just playing music.
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