In a television program Angelica (Angelica), the daughter of a businessman who aspires to be a singer, eventually earning his "crazy dream", which is...
The team of Galinheiro Futebol Clube, formed by emeritus fighters, has as technical Cardea, advised by three direct assistants: Elvis, former player...
David, a rock singer, and Didi, his assistant, are transported to a distant world. They must help princess Allim to face the evil Vizir, who wants to...
Didi works as a butler at Pedro's father's house. While browsing an old photograph album, he and 10-year-old Pedro find an ancient map with the route...
A clumsy angel is sent away from heaven by God Himself. He may only return after he becomes a good Cupid. But the first couple he tries to connect is...
Two fishermen Dogfish names Joe and Lula discover the result of a theft of a dangerous gang of smugglers and go immediately to be persecuted by them....