Tells the story of two lovers, separated by destiny, who meet again one day. This encounter allows each to realize the truth about the lives they are...
The suave Prodosh C. Mitter aka Feluda has ruled over our hearts with his sharp wit, impressive intellect and astute observation skills for over five...
Dwitiyo Purush is a sequel of Baishe Srabon were Prosenjit Chatterjee dies at the end. In this film we will see Parambrata chattopadhyay as a police...
Arun, a famous Bengali actor, approves Shuvobrata's proposal of remaking Satyajit Ray's famous film 'Nayak'. Problems arise when Shuvobrata requests...
When Shaan, Bijoy and Joy go to Bangkok in the midst of an ongoing wedding and do some crazy things to attract the attention of the girls they like,...