Two aging crooks are given two weeks to repay a debt to a woman named The American. They recruit their recently deceased partner's son to help them...
Three young women at a hair salon all like the son of the clothing store proprietors across the mall. Although Robby is selfish and shallow, he's...
During World War II, Switzerland severely limited refugees: "Our boat is full." A train from Germany halts briefly in an isolated corner of...
Anna, Joyce, Claude and Lucia are all students under the tutelage of Constance Dumas, a renowned film instructor. Lucia moves in with the other...
A journalist is assigned to interview an eccentric anthropologist who has exhumed the skeleton of Jörg Jenatsch, a revered freedom fighter who...
Based on a well-known Turkish novel, Dilan narrates the story of a peasant woman who decides to avenge the murder of her lover. In a remote village...
An unusual family story about two father and son generations, beginning on a German country side and ending in the students' revolt in Berlin.
The trial of the case, which has become known under the catchphrase "Murder in Kehrsatz", triggered a great deal of public sympathy and, after the...
Rock star Billy Jackson is found dead with a bullet in his head, a death classified as suicide. His brother Tom leaves the United States to come to...
Andreas, who is ten, has been brought up by his grandmother. When she dies, he removes a putto from the crucifix placed upon her, puts it in his...
The Shuar Indians live on the western edge of the tropical rainforest, between the Amazon lowlands in the east and the Andean highlands in the west,...
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