This comedy of errors revolves around a hapless 30-year-old named Arturo. His penchant for indiscretions is as impossible to overlook as the finesse...
A sweet couple invite a third person over for the night, who brings a lustful energy to spice things up.
After meeting at a party, Luciana and Pedro... embark on a spur of the moment journey together that takes them to the forest. Asthey explore the...
Shirley has left the big city to live in a small seaside town and look after her elderly grandmother. She drives a tractor on a local coconut...
Every afternoon Noelí, a young Dominican woman, hangs out on the beach at Las Terrenas. With her boyfriend, Yeremi, they look for ways to make...
Paco Chavez's life is careless and charming. It's a life of illicit drugs and a forbidden love affair he carries with Lucia, his former high school...
Seven adolescents take on the mission of filming, for one week, their family's housemaids and hand over the footage to the director to make a film....
Joy is a fable about courage and youth. It tells the story of Luiza, 16 year old girl, who can not stand to hear about the end of the world…...
Through the recovery of found Super-8mm footage captured by his brother during the 70´s dictatorship, André tries to revive the memories...
After a party, Agos and Ren find themselves in a strange place where they remember to have been before… A failed world bursting with...
It’s the first day of shooting a low-budget independent film. Juan, the director, tries to shoot a sex scene with Malena and Julián, two...
Life is fleeting...memories are not.
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