Biopic about tennis great Maureen Connolly who, as a teenager, was the first woman to win the Grand Slam of Tennis, became world-renowned as "Little...
A young stockbroker, Christopher Sand, inherits an old ship named "Black Pearl" along with a medallion that is the key to a sunken Nazi treasure. But...
Gunnery Sergeant Jim Moore is one of the toughest Drill Instructors on Parris Island. But he's got a thorn in his side: Pvt. Owens, who always seems...
An old-fashioned western lawman coming to grips with the "modern technology" of the 20th century. He teams up with college-educated criminologist to...
The adventures of a group of rangers that are tasked with saving a couple of alpinists and a young lady with a broken leg, while also dealing with a...