Yessica is a rebellious girl who forms an unlikely friendship with quiet schoolmate Miriam. Yessica's home life is ruled by her brutal stepfather and...
Five elderly men form a music group and run away from the nursing home where they are interns with the hope of playing for an audience. They confront...
In an unnamed Latin American country that closely resembles Mexico, the government fights a rural insurgency with torture, assault, rape, and murder....
Three different ways of facing the apocalypse five hours before the end of the world. fantastic and romantic moments of love, an anxious waiting time...
It is the story of Jessy, a young domestic employee who, in the midst of mining exploitation, finds the strength to confront the political power that...
A poetic, tender road movie, A Secret World follows tormented teenager Maria as she makes her way through Mexico seeking her place in life. The film...