When Julieanne is mistaken for her boss at a Masquerade ball by a businessman, she continues the ruse over Christmas. Her mission is to secure him as...
Allie, an out of work art teacher, has to accept a job with the Santa Squad to help wealthy widower Gordon and his two precious daughters rediscover...
Christmas enthusiast Steph, has created a program, Six Degrees of Santa. When Steph's own gift lands in the hands of a leading internet entrepreneur,...
Winnie, a dating blogger who anonymously writes under the pen name Luckless, goes viral for a post about a disastrous date with Holden, a perpetually...
Elizabeth and her husband are basking in the glow of being new parents. When Elizabeth starts a mommy blog to document the experience, her baby Evan...
This Christmas, Olivia Hayes goes undercover to provide her readers with an in-depth (and cynical!) look at the hugely successful annual Secret Santa...
While being cared for by her loving husband and daughter after a car accident leaves her with total amnesia, Mia begins having flashbacks of a second...