Set in 1995. A helicopter, operated remotely, is hovering in the sky over a nuclear power plant. The power company, prefectural government and media...
Shizuoka Miyakonojo is a middle-aged paparazzi photographer. His skills as a cameraman are good, but he gambles and is in debt. When he worked in the...
Kaoruko and Kazumasa Harima are a separated couple with two children. They plan to divorce once their daughter, Mizuho, enters elementary school. One...
The perverted serial killer who shook the world, "Shinagawa Piero," has been arrested. The killer turns out to be a 20-year-old woman! A boy, seeking...
Naoko Yamada (Yukie Nakama), a female magician, and Jiro Ueda (Hiroshi Abe), a genius physicist, are back again to solve the mystery of supernatural...